As You See

Single channel digital video, colour. 7:50 mins

As a multitude of mesmerising televisual images race past our eyes, there is a simple, but simultaneously baffling, explanation to the technology that brought moving images to your screens. As You See takes us on a curious and intoxicating journey into the illusory nature of television, and the fault in our eyes that makes it possible. 

The growing aesthetic play of the graphic dots and lines, verticals and horizontals however draws us into a hypnotic state, not dissimilar to our absorption in television. The near constant presence of the dots varies in size, darts in rows and shifts between pattern and ‘live action’ conveying that they are essentially the same thing, light on our retina. We are continuously reminded of the presence of these illusive and invisible points of light with a driving musical motif. Rapid and heady their insistent appearances and repeated rhythms surge with the changes in the visual through to the melodic finale of merging pictures. 


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Soundstripes 2 Northern Quarter, Huddersfield, Inherent Process Fabrica, Brighton, Noisefloor Experimental Moving Image Festival, London Experimental, Traverse Video #20 Toulouse, Experimenta Cinecity Film Festival,  Exploding Cinema, London